Overtone Bass Trap Overtone Bass Trap
Overtone Bass Traps are fabric wrapped sound absorbing wall panels designed to absorb unwanted noise within your space. By minimizing room reflections, you reduce reverberation and create an improved listening environment. These panels are decorative, durable and easy to self-install. Tame The Boom.™   Overtone Bass Traps are perfect for any space that requires control over low-end frequencies. Our acoustical bass traps can... Overtone Bass Traps are fabric wrapped sound absorbing wall panels designed to absorb unwanted noise within your space. By minimizing room reflections, you reduce reverberation and create an improved listening environment. These panels are decorative, durable and easy to self-install. Tame The Boom.™   Overtone Bass Traps are perfect for any space that requires control over low-end frequencies. Our acoustical bass traps can...