Apartment Acoustics Apartment Acoustics

One of the best things about getting home at the end of the day is having privacy. But sometimes your apartment can feel less private than you’d like. If you can hear your neighbor talking on the phone, you can bet that she can hear you talking to your roommate. Apartment walls can feel very thin, and there are no laws that require your landlord from installing soundproofing when they’re building your apartment. If you share a wall with your neighbor, the sound from your room will inevitably pass into theirs, and vice versa. But Overtone can help you create a more private space in your apartment. With proper soundproofing you can make your neighbors conversations stay in their apartment, and you won’t have to worry about bothering them with your TV watching. Most residential noise reduction solutions are created to provide privacy, and prevent noise from bleeding through common walls, but you can also use noise treatments to reduce sounds from drain pipes, loud ducts, or AC/Heating units. Or maybe you just want to reduce the echo in your living space, or create a better sound quality for your home theater. Whatever you need for soundproofing your apartment, Overtone has got you covered.
Questions? 936-226-8784

One of the best things about getting home at the end of the day is having privacy. But sometimes your apartment can feel less private than you’d like. If you can hear your neighbor talking on the phone, you can bet that she can hear you talking to your roommate. Apartment walls can feel very thin, and there are no laws that require your landlord from installing soundproofing when they’re building your apartment. If you share a wall with your neighbor, the sound from your room will inevitably pass into theirs, and vice versa. But Overtone can help you create a more private space in your apartment. With proper soundproofing you can make your neighbors conversations stay in their apartment, and you won’t have to worry about bothering them with your TV watching. Most residential noise reduction solutions are created to provide privacy, and prevent noise from bleeding through common walls, but you can also use noise treatments to reduce sounds from drain pipes, loud ducts, or AC/Heating units. Or maybe you just want to reduce the echo in your living space, or create a better sound quality for your home theater. Whatever you need for soundproofing your apartment, Overtone has got you covered.
Questions? 936-226-8784
Here are a few tips to keep in mind
What will soundproofing my apartment do for me?
- Soundproofing your apartment will give you greater privacy.
- Stopping noise before it moves from your apartment to your neighbors rooms will help you dramatically reduce the likelihood of neighbors being able to hear you.
- Soundproofing will provide you with better quality of life. The sounds of noisy neighbors can be extremely bothersome, especially if they are awake at different hours from you.
- Soundproofing your apartment means you won't have to be bothered by noisy neighbors or loud street noise.
How do I stop my apartment from echoing?
If your problem is that the sound quality in your apartment is less than desirable you’ll want to add sound absorption materials to the walls in your space. These products dull ambient sound, echoes, and reverberations so that you can focus on the sounds you want. If your issue is sound traveling to other rooms, or noisy neighbors, you’ll want apartment soundproofing products.
My upstairs/downstairs neighbors are really loud!
If the sounds that are bothering you are coming from above, you’ll need ceiling acoustical treatments. If you have noisy downstairs neighbors then you’ll need floor acoustical treatments. If they’re coming from next door, you’ll want to install some wall acoustical treatments. In an apartment setting, you may need to invest in multiple types of soundproofing materials to provide the most privacy, and protection from unwanted sounds.
Here are a few tips to keep in mind
What will soundproofing my apartment do for me?
- Soundproofing your apartment will give you greater privacy.
- Stopping noise before it moves from your apartment to your neighbors rooms will help you dramatically reduce the likelihood of neighbors being able to hear you.
- Soundproofing will provide you with better quality of life. The sounds of noisy neighbors can be extremely bothersome, especially if they are awake at different hours from you.
- Soundproofing your apartment means you won't have to be bothered by noisy neighbors or loud street noise.
How do I stop my apartment from echoing?
If your problem is that the sound quality in your apartment is less than desirable you’ll want to add sound absorption materials to the walls in your space. These products dull ambient sound, echoes, and reverberations so that you can focus on the sounds you want. If your issue is sound traveling to other rooms, or noisy neighbors, you’ll want apartment soundproofing products.
My upstairs/downstairs neighbors are really loud!
If the sounds that are bothering you are coming from above, you’ll need ceiling acoustical treatments. If you have noisy downstairs neighbors then you’ll need floor acoustical treatments. If they’re coming from next door, you’ll want to install some wall acoustical treatments. In an apartment setting, you may need to invest in multiple types of soundproofing materials to provide the most privacy, and protection from unwanted sounds.